Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Run Away!

This is how the military sounded the 'fall back' order in the old days (it must be true, I saw it on Monty Python). Either way fits just fine as far as I'm concerned. We're on our second day of running er, retreat, and enjoying it very much. It's a beautiful clear blue sky and mild temps today, but on the muddy side from the previous rains. So nice to have no urgent deadlines for a while! Feeling stronger every day as well after a visit from mr flu (I think that was his name). Odd, tho, symptoms were about feeling all beat up and low-grade fever. No intestinal or congestion, etc. In any case, just good to have to option of doing nothing all day!

Now tomorrow, New Years Eve, a different story, our friends will be up here, we'll all clean up and attend the big party in Kerrville at the Inn of the Hills. Big Band; Sentimental Journey Orchestra will provide the music, we'll share a table with nice folks from around the state who've been attending this little party for years (this is our second year). I should be ready for that!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Idiot America

Not a title I would use myself, but the title of a book by journalist Charles Pierce. If that name sounds familiar, it my be because he is often on the radio quiz show, "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me"
As many of you know, I have been amazed at the shananagins of people and the way the media treats obvious nut jobs as if they are indeed experts of some kind. Well, Mr. Pierce lays if out. If it move units, it's going out. Move units can be sells books, DVDs, or just gets people to tune in.

It doesn't stop there, but that IS a good starting point.

All I can say folks is don't stop sending your kids to school. If they don't dumb them down, we NEED folks who can think for themselves; always, now and in the future!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

A Prarie Home Critic

Garrison Keilor's radio program has been a regular feature in my home since it first aired what? 25 years ago? We enjoy the shows he puts together, and the gentle humor he uses on organized religion, like Lutherans and Unitarians. So, when a piece he published criticized UU's, I had to take a look. Normally if GK airs a gripe, it is a valid one.

Well, I looked at the article or blog (or whatever) and find myself disappointed in the man. All the time he poked fun at us, we thought it was 'cause he liked us.

It seems after doing a speaking appearance at a UU church in the Boston area, he found himself singing "sleep in heavenly peace" on the second verse of Silent Night instead of "Christ the Savior is born". I hope there was more to it than that, but he specifically mentioned that as a major source of irritation. I would prefer he had a run-in with an obnoxious atheist to trigger his ire at Unitarian Universalists.

I admit that I might not break my finger punching up his program after this, gods know, we've been tolerating his mediocre singing for years now, and the 'good parts' have been fewer and shorter for quite some time.

As for telling non-Christians to fark-off, it's a Christian holiday damit, I'm going to assume the best of GK; the man has taken the first step into the Grumpy Old Man phase of life.

New opportunities abound, Garrison, like 60 Minutes has been looking for a new Andy Rooney.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I'm not finished yet!

Ahh, it has been a while. 'Haven't had a chance to do much but try to get through the (wonderful) holiday busy season. It is a mixed blessing. Like many, I earn a fair percentage of my income the 4th quarter of each year. So, I guess I'll be all spiritual and the like when that quits being an issue!

TODAY: December 23. Usually things slow down by now, but not this year. Today was even more of an adventure than ordinarily:
Absent mindedness = Absent dollie (for piano moving downtown) "Playful Buck" adds to excitement at piano delivery on large NW estate. "Possum" truck starter brings the fun to new peeks (same location). Westhiemer Santas mildly amusing, but not as much fun as "regular guy" doing kung fu moves on street corner.

OK, I realize the headlines don't tell enough of the story, so I'll elaborate a bit.

Cubil and helper get downtown to recover large grand piano and discover we brought everything but a dolly to wheel it out. No problem, we had a piano on board, so we lifted it off it's dollies and used it. Just A LOT of extra lifting.

The playful buck story is a laugh riot. This huge estate has a "tame" deer running around. Well, it WAS tame until we tried to leave. Then it wanted to butt heads with me. After it chased us back in the house, we were told "if you ignore it, it will leave you alone". I don't know if you've ever tried to ignore a charging wild animal, but it's not as easy as it sounds. When I go back Saturday, I WILL have a plan.

On that same job, our truck starter decided to quit. This is while blocking the narrow paved drive from the house with all the other party trucks (and the house's owner) trapped. We started to call a tow truck and ask Rita to bring our emergency backup truck. Someone suggested we tap it with a hammer. I did, it worked again. We didn't turn off the engine the rest of the day.

I had to drive several miles down Westhiemer road, and at one point there were an army of sign holding Santas letting us know about various sales in progress. That was ok, but the civilian another mile latter doing the karate moves (for no one in particular) really made me laugh, and restarted my possum brain.