Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Life in Which World?

I don't think of myself as an alternative lifestyle person, but sometimes I wonder...
Like when I have to kill time before a meeting or appointment and wander into the Galleria, or find myself holed up in a hotel for two days with cable television for company.

The overload of marketing stimuli in a modern shopping mall is like a horror flick in 3d to me. Good God, you mean I have to buy all this stuff to validate my existence?
Same with the cable TV. The Springsteen song comes to mind: "57 Channels and Nothing On". All that bandwidth to fill, and this stuff is the best they can come up with?
OK, it DOES occur to me whenever I find myself feeling like a stranger in a strange land, "I must be in the wrong demographic." And maybe that is what is happening here.

Are these people in the right demographic going to be alright?

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