Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What Kind of Nation Do You Want?

I watched the Clint Eastwood "Halftime In America" talk (commercial?) during the Super Bowl, and I was impressed. It was well done and a sentiment few could argue with (I thought). So knock me over with a feather when I find out this pep talk to America is controversial!

I don't know about you, but I've about had it with all the manufactured "contROVEry out there.

  • I've had it with the name calling
  • I'm done with the vilifying 
  • I'm turning off the "I'm offended" people
  • Not listening to the couple of dozen 'pundits' who rake in millions dividing US.
The folks that interest me are the people interested in finding solutions to problems that are going to work for the most people. I want to hear from people that understand that politics IS the art of compromise.
I've been studying up on my history folks, and much of it is not a pretty picture. Large numbers of people oppressing or killing large numbers of people for reasons that sound pretty stupid (once you take the ego out of it).

Empires crumble from within because of the elements we are seeing on a daily basis now. When this happens, EVERYBODY LOSES.

If our professional leaders can't do their job, it is up to us to lead the way. Come on, try to go a whole day without calling anyone an unflattering name. Go a whole day NOT jumping to conclusion about someone's motives. If you don't make it, start all over the next day. Get some friends to join you.

There is a political group called the Coffee Party, from what I've seen, they seem pretty reasonable. We have to take back civility, be the example those at the "Top" need to follow.   

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