Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I wondered if my daily sensation of haunting myself was typical or unusual. I've been in this town now, 40 years(!), and daily I work at places with which I have history. So I'm a guy that has these flashbacks 3-4 times a day. I tend to keep these to myself, but today I let one slip out on a poor unsuspecting catering salesperson.

I was called to tune a piano at The Renaissance Hotel in Greenway Plaza. The Catering contact informed me the piano would be on the 20th floor.. I said "Oh, I used to play that room in the 70's and 80's". She said "back when it was a club? I've heard about that". Apparently, they have someone that has been around THAT long and was there when I was 23.

Again this happens daily. I am fighting NOT becoming one of those guys that launches into a story every time you mention this place or that. But I'm also not promising anything in that regard in another few years.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Our Minds; Also 1/3 Ourselves

Ok, so I started last week by talking about our physical bodies, calling that part of ourselves 1/3. We are not our bodies / we are to some extent our bodies.

Thoughts, prayers, attitudes, frame of mind, etc. I give equal billing with body. Equal in importance. The ancient framing of 
body = bad 
mind = good 
clearly does not wash in our own time. Although in some cultures you would have a time proving that.

We fill our minds with learning, it seems the amount there is to learn is growing faster than anyone could possibly keep up with (but don’t worry, there’s an app for that).
Education will take you far, but (as dear ol’ Dad said), it only takes you sooo far. Learning to train our minds, force ourselves out of our comfort zone (toward expansion) is THE lifelong challenge.
I have been working with a mind training system called Lumosity.com. Doing the exercises daily really lets me know where I am at any given time. I am humiliated and am triumphant all in one short session. It is very illuminating to discover new things about who I am after knowing me all these years.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Our Bodies: 1/3 of Ourselves

For a long time I've come to think of these biological machines of ours as I do cars: Delightful wonders of nature and science that slowly deteriorate as we are cruising carefree down life's highway.

Up to a point, we could throw a bunch of money at our issues and be as good as we were as young adults (assuming we were good as a young adult), but like our old car, you can get a new coat of paint, but can't stop the degeneration under the hood.

So we learn to live with the seat stuck in one position, a window that won't go down, etc. along with that crazy knee, acid reflux, and so on. Knowing that one day, sometimes when we least expect it, the old buggy will take us where we are all going for the last time. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Meatless Monday III

Meatless Monday III

The story of a man wracked with guilt over his moral failings.
Congratulating myself for my 3rd meatless monday, I went to bed. In my dream I was visited by a chicken with one wing and a pig with a limp. "What about breakfast?" asked the pig. "What about lunch?" asked the chicken. "My bad" I said and promised to do better.
As they walked off, I called to the pig "wait, why the limp? Bacon doesn't come from there."
"I banged my knee getting out of the truck" he grimiced.

A note to my fan(s). A while back I made the decision to only blog when I had something of significance to say. Hence my silence for low these many months. 
I am now returning to my policy of spilling out any drivel I feel compelled to spill, so you will be hearing from me on a more timely basis.