Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I'm not finished yet!

Ahh, it has been a while. 'Haven't had a chance to do much but try to get through the (wonderful) holiday busy season. It is a mixed blessing. Like many, I earn a fair percentage of my income the 4th quarter of each year. So, I guess I'll be all spiritual and the like when that quits being an issue!

TODAY: December 23. Usually things slow down by now, but not this year. Today was even more of an adventure than ordinarily:
Absent mindedness = Absent dollie (for piano moving downtown) "Playful Buck" adds to excitement at piano delivery on large NW estate. "Possum" truck starter brings the fun to new peeks (same location). Westhiemer Santas mildly amusing, but not as much fun as "regular guy" doing kung fu moves on street corner.

OK, I realize the headlines don't tell enough of the story, so I'll elaborate a bit.

Cubil and helper get downtown to recover large grand piano and discover we brought everything but a dolly to wheel it out. No problem, we had a piano on board, so we lifted it off it's dollies and used it. Just A LOT of extra lifting.

The playful buck story is a laugh riot. This huge estate has a "tame" deer running around. Well, it WAS tame until we tried to leave. Then it wanted to butt heads with me. After it chased us back in the house, we were told "if you ignore it, it will leave you alone". I don't know if you've ever tried to ignore a charging wild animal, but it's not as easy as it sounds. When I go back Saturday, I WILL have a plan.

On that same job, our truck starter decided to quit. This is while blocking the narrow paved drive from the house with all the other party trucks (and the house's owner) trapped. We started to call a tow truck and ask Rita to bring our emergency backup truck. Someone suggested we tap it with a hammer. I did, it worked again. We didn't turn off the engine the rest of the day.

I had to drive several miles down Westhiemer road, and at one point there were an army of sign holding Santas letting us know about various sales in progress. That was ok, but the civilian another mile latter doing the karate moves (for no one in particular) really made me laugh, and restarted my possum brain.

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