Sunday, January 24, 2010


I have become more and more aware of an epidemic of this psychological condition lately, I've been looking at more documentaries on the state of various parts of the world. Oh, I know the clueless charge is one we hurl at people as an insult. I'm not talking about that, I mean conditions when entire countries are completely out of step with what is actually going on in front of them. One clue of cluelessness is the feeling of shock when the realization hits. Like last Tuesdays election (hellos Dems? wakeup call).

One example is when the trumpets were sounded several years ago and we (the US) invaded Iraq. It was crazy then, and still crazy after all these years (lives, billions $, resources).

I watched a film about China invading Tibet and taking it over. After years of mistreating the Tibetans, they invited a delegation back to tour the country and try to patch things up with the Dali Lama. Of course the stories they heard on their tour were horrifying, and the Chinese canceled the project after about 10 days. The amazing thing was the Chinese thought they had improved the country so much that the exiled leadership would hear good things! THAT is CLUELESS.

On a personal level, probably the most scary form of clueless is believing you are somebody you actually bear no resemblance to. Important, but less so is getting off in a direction where we lose site of the middle ground. This could be in consumption, status seeking, or whatever. Know Thyself!!

This is why isolation is very bad for the individual. Without community surrounding you, you WILL create a world of you own, and it may consume you.

You may notice, many of these regions of the world that are so disfunctional do isolate themselves.

So, I'm wondering what issues do you see in our society where a large percent of us is clueless?

1 comment:

  1. This post is a reminder to me of how nice it is to be old. The lessons one learns at a particular stage in life is that there is meaning in lots of things we just say - and we realize that if we just did what we said - like having liberty and justice for all - we could make a better place. If we actually lived with love as the guiding principle, there would be fewer problems everywhere. Finally, one learns to conduct him/herself in that way and realizes that he/she may only brighten a little corner, it is SOMETHING. Enough *somethings* can brighten a lot. But there seems to be some who have a different view of self vis-a-vis the rest of the world, and we need to be satisfied with doing what we can. Keep the faith, Cubil.
