Thursday, August 25, 2011

You are What You Do?!

I hear a person starting out in our society should look forward to working 18 different jobs in their life. Wow! I'm glad that's not me. I wonder how anyone can get good at something if you trade careers every... let's see, (carry the one), couple of years or so on average.

That got me thinking about the subject of work and how it is tied to our identity (most men anyway). What you Be is who you Are. "I am a _________. Many people I meet say that sentence and I still don't know what they Do to Be that. We're in an age of tech specialization . Even after they tell me their title, I don't get it. Not my world.

The jobs I've done: delivered Chinese food, worked a factory assembly line, built a house, waited tables, I did those before I got my Real job (which most people don't consider a real job). Being a musician/entertainer. 'Did that for a living for 7 years (age 20-27). Then I got started on my second career, piano technician. 'Pretty much done that ever since (age 27- present). Still paying the bills, so I'm hoping to keep it going another 10 years or so. But, if it should peter out, what next? A mystery to me...

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Mountains and Courage

It has been said we are each born with a mountain to climb. This metaphor alone has been something I have meditated on for 30 years. The challenges we each face in our lives can be great, (steep) or unusual (blazing our own trail) or any number of other descriptions. I suspect most of us would agree that there is a "mountain".

I pair that image with 'courage' because that's what it takes to make something of this time we have here. Nobody said it would be easy, or if they did, they lied.

The combination of the mountain and the courage is what keeps bringing me back. It would be simple to think "the more difficult the mountain, the more courage it takes". Try it my friend, you will find that premise quickly shot down.

There is also the backpack metaphor, I have met small people carrying large heavy backpacks. Add the backpack and you have enough mental, spiritual work to do for at least another 10 years.