Sunday, August 9, 2009

Spirit and Finances

I have read and heard enough in the past year to be convinced that large hordes of people do not understand how to get ahead with money, finances and the like. The Christian media has picked up on this and people like Dave Ramsey and others have shown a large number of Believers how to get financially secure. It turns out there are a number of passages in the Bible that express opinions about borrowing and so forth. These are relevant to point out to people that hope to lead their lives according to "The Book".

I have been a fan to Mr. Ramsey for a few years now, and used his basic method to get out of debt. Yep, for more than a year, owed nobody, nothing. I highly recommend it to everyone, especially my friends I see struggling to crack the monthly nut.

Got a plan; 'working on a liberal religious version of the Dave Ramsey course to present to Unitarian Universalists. Mr. Ramsey and I agree that something as important as a person's finances should be rooted in something equally as important: His/Her highest values/beliefs.


  1. Sounds like a plan. Being out of debt has been such a lifesend in this down economic market. I am so grateful for the wherewithal that got us to this place.

  2. So far that is a 100% affirmation. I have not met anyone sorry they paid their way out of hock.

  3. Write that book! I know a vast number of people who would read it rather than the one by Mr. Ramsey.

    I'm a non-believing out of debt person. Well...very low debt. I owe on a car and a house, both of which I can afford. I also have a very comfortable stack of money saved away for that "rainy day" which, for us, hasn't come yet.

    I think people would be well served by reprioritizing their "values" to mean that they value being out of debt and living within their means over what kind of car they drive to church on Sunday.
