Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Thoughts from SWUUSI

Ah, here at the South West Unitarian Universalist Summer Institute, for my 24th time. This is the name we give for church camp. This is a very important part of being in this movement, as you spend a week with people who really care about giving and receiving the benefits of being a UU.
Just to share a couple of things that have struck me so far;
  • Going through life without a spiritual practice is like speeding down a highway that goes nowhere.

  • When you get a group of dedicated people together, you can't help being inspired.

The people who attend this conference never cease to amaze me. In the years that we've been here, I have seen children become adults, adults become parents, parents become grandparents, etc. It is an amazing process, one that reminds me that life will go on, everything will work out, to have faith is not a fancy form of denial, but an essential tool for thriving.

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