Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Obama is Going To...

I, being of sound mind and body, try to keep out of personal political "debates" as much as possible for reasons like:

  1. They Don't mean anything

  2. They only cause friction among friends

Well, there's more, but those two reasons alone are enough to make me want to NOT talk politics with people in general. I do have my own thoughts on these earth shaking subjects, and do share them with people generally considered "safe" to talk to.

Being a Liberal (formerly known as a Moderate), I listen daily to AM radio to keep a finger on the pulse of others who don't think as I do. I'm sure Conservatives do the same...right? I must confess I can only last a few minutes because that's all it takes to get me laughing so hard I can no longer hear the person on the radio. I apologize for this, I will try to do better.

There is another reason I listen to Conservative Radio, and that is because of the Hitler Mustache thing. I know, there is a shortage of the little mustaches, as Neo-Cons have bought them out to paste on President Obama photos. In my mind, I paste them on the "gentlemen" and "ladies" of the airwaves, I won't name them, you know who I mean. Why is this important?

Well, to start, the Nazis of Germany were not Liberals, they were Conservatives. They had a message of "Restoring the Homeland to Greatness". The glory is always in the past. Their enemies were vilified in the media, etc.
I may be wrong, but it is my understanding that the great majority in the middle who could have done something but didn't, often didn't because they were laughing so hard at the foolish charges being laid by the young, new movement*. By the time they realized it was no laughing matter, it was too late.

*Who could possibly take such rubbish seriously?


  1. Oh yeah. I think you're on to something there. What is so frustrating to me is the loved ones that I have that are falling into "lock step" with this very dangerous thinking. Scary, and very depressing.

  2. Nice post. I'm beginning to believe that people have ingested some sort of horrific Kool-Aid and they're not so slowly going mad. I've had to shut some of the hoopla out because it makes me feel crazy and this country doesn't need anymore crazies. People who make the comparison between our president and Hitler have surely forgotten or never learned about Communism and its poster boy. Forgetting history is a dangerous thing. We are watching ignorance, fear and hate in action and it scares the crap out of me. I wonder how we make our voices be heard above the din of the asylum?

  3. Religion and politics. It is said you can never change anyone's mind on these subjects. I guess that leaves the old "Deeds, not Creeds" scenario, where you act on what you really believe, which sets an example for those whose minds are not yet made up. Believe in Health Care Reform? Contact your congresspeople. Believe in UU? Follow the principles. And love is the guiding principle.
